Richard provides training for individuals, churches and ministries so they can use the following seminars to help their church families and as outreach into their communites.
Even professional players need a coach!
One out of three children in America do not live with their father.
We have a generation of men who haven’t been taught what it means to be a “Dad”.
Family Essentials will help men to understand their role as “father” and to deal with their past for a better today and a brighter tomorrow.

Becoming The Father I Want To Be
We tend to parent the way we were parented.
Since parenting is a learned behavior, it can be relearned.
Learning about affirmation, discipline, playtime and fatherhood goals will help you to become the father
you want to be.
Healing The Father Wound
Since none of us had all of our childhood needs
met by our father, we often carry a “wound”.
It is that hurt or unhealed part of us that presents
a barrier to being the nurturing father that we want to be with our children.
A Personal Father Coach
Being a great dad is a challenge, and we all need a little help sometimes.
Just as sports teams and players have coaches
to challenge and encourage them. Dads need someone who believes in them and will be there.
Richard is a Fatherhood Coach and he will come alongside you to answer your questions, concerns
and help to empower you.